Saturday, 7 June 2008

How can you reduce the negative impacts of tourism?

1. Manage visitor numbers
2. Park and ride systems
3. Better signposting
4. Using off peak car parking charges
5. Managing traffic
6. Code of conduct for visitors


Creates jobs
Regeneration of area
Local businesses profit
Bringing money into area
Better public transport systems

Tourism can take away from traditional jobs
Loss of local services – shops turn to gift shops etc.
Lots of seasonal work which is low paid
Prices for goods are raised which means higher prices for locals.


Derelict areas improved such as old barns in rural areas
Town centres pedestrianised
Flowers and landscaping

Air pollution
Congestion traffic
Disturbing wildlife
Loss of wildlife habitats
Altering landscapes
Physical erosion of footpaths
Wear and tear on the countryside
Sea pollution in seaside areas

How it affects people and their lives:
Refurbished buildings, conversions, B&B’s etc
Friendly people like interacting with tourists
Better social life
Better facilities
Better infrastructure and transport

Local residents putting up with drunken or loud behaviour from tourists
Congestion on local roads – leading to delayed journey times for local people

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