Friday, 23 May 2008

Case Study for Cineworld Solihull

Firstly cineworld caters for all ages they have film for different ages e.g. they have special film which are in the morning for young children. Then the ages of the film go up (U, PG, 12, 18). This caters for all ages.

Furthermore they cater for disabled people as they have ramps to get into the cinema and lifts. They also have special seating area for them where a wheelchair can fit so they have the same room as we do. They also accept guide dogs for people who cannot see but who can hear the film. They also have hearing loops in the cinema for people with hearing disabilities. They also can put it in large print to cater for everyone.

For children they have booster seats as they might not be tall enough to see the film. Also cineworld is a multiplex cinema as it has a range of sizes and rooms as they have more than one screen.

Furthermore it caters for students as they have student prices which are cheaper. Also child prices are cheaper before 5 o clock and then go up to adult’s prices.

They also do unlimited passes where anyone can by it for £11.99 a month so if you go to the cinema 4 times a month you will save money. This then benefits any age group. Also they do orange Wednesday where anyone with an orange phone can go half price with another person.

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